A mother looked at her child. He direction was off. Judgements cloud. She knew he was not like her other daughters and she embraced this about him. She knew if he stayed in the streets, she would be burying him. One day, the police came to the door and told her that daughter had been arrested. She said. “My son.” She put on a sweater and followed them to the car. Once at the station, she saw her child. Eyes cold. Shoulders hunched. She wanted to dry his tears, but did not know how. “Mother, I don’t fit in this world.” Her heart sank. Then, like that, she remembered a Christmas past. She made a phone call. A few hours later, she watched the people move aside. She watched the figures. One came to her. “He will leave you a boi on this day, but will return a King. I promise.” She covered her ...mouth. She watched her child, so full of confusion and disillusion, walk past with the figures. A few short months later, she was looking through the window. She saw but did not recognize at first, her child. She screamed running to the door. His walk was of confidence. His eyes and heart full of love and belonging. When she embraced him, she finally felt what she had longed for, his heart. “I have work to do in the world. There is much discord and I can be a part of fixing just some of that, I want to. But I will return.” She saw her child walk amongst them and become one. Her hear swelled with pride, no longer pain. She closed her eyes And they were gone. One her steps was a purple rose with a card. “Promise kept.”

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